1. Legal advice in all areas of law; representation in courts:
1.1. Head of MCBA “Bureau of lawyers “De jure” 40 000 rubles  for 1 hour
1.2.Members of the Presidium,  Deputy Head of MCBA “Bureau of Lawyers “De jure ” 30 000 rubles  for 1 hour
1.3. Lawyers in criminal cases, specialists with an academic degree of Doctor of Law 25 000 rubles  for 1 hour
1.4. Lawyers in civil cases, Heads of practices, specialists with a PhD in law 20 000 rubles  for 1 hour
1.5. Senior Lawyer 15 000 rubles  for 1 hour
1.6. Junior Lawyer 10 000 rubles  for 1 hour
1.7. Assistant Lawyer 7 500 rubles  for 1 hour
2. Preparation and drawing up of a set of constituent documents of enterprises (partnerships, joint-stock companies, individual private enterprises, etc.) from 100 000 rubles for one set
3. Turnkey registration of enterprises (depending on legal form) from 150 000 rubles
4. Representation in court in civil and administrative cases at each stage of the process from 200 000 rubles
5. Representation in arbitration courts at each stage of the process from 250 000 rubles
6. Criminal defense at every stage of the process from 300 000  rubles
7. Consultations and drawing up of documents on issues related to international law and the law of foreign States from 250 to 500 Euros per hour of work*



1) Study of case materials, preparation of applications, petitions and other documents, study of judicial practice and special literature, participation in negotiations, any other work of an attorneny  or lawyer (intern and assistant lawyer) in a particular case, as well as in the provision of any legal assistance, and travel time is taken into account when calculating the total time of work.
2) Travel time to the place of legal assistance in case of departure of an attorney or lawyer (trainee and assistant lawyer) outside the Moscow Ring Road is paid at the rate of ½ of the rate for 1 hour.
3) In the case of provision by attorneys or lawyers (interns and assistants to lawyers) of MCBA “Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” of legal assistance to
clients on weekends or after hours (from 18:00 to 08:00), the cost of services is made at a double rate compared to the above rates.
4) The Head of the MCBA “Bureau of Lawyers”De jure”, taking into account the financial situation of a citizen, has the right to reduce the amount of payment for legal assistance or exempt from payment in full.
5) The contractual prices are valid at the time of conclusion of the agreement on the provision of legal assistance.
* Payment in rubles at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of payment