The Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal recognized the arguments of MCBA “Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” as legitimate, canceled the previously adopted judicial act of the first instance and ruled that the claims declared by the creditor could not be included in the register and were to be satisfied at the expense of the remaining property after the satisfaction of the claims of other creditors. The interests of the Client of the Bureau were represented by Marina Nikolaenko, senior lawyer of MCBA “Bureau of Lawyers “De jure”.
The Moscow Arbitration Court, within the framework of the company’s bankruptcy case, satisfied the claim of a Client of MCBA “Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” to bring the persons, who controlled the debtor, to subsidiary liability. The proceedings in the case regarding the determination of the amount of subsidiary liability were suspended until the formation of the bankruptcy estate and settlements with creditors. The Client’s interests were represented by Vadim Makarichev, Bureau’s lawyer.