February 5 Main results of the day

Victory in court: Refusal in the lawsuit of 180 million rubles! The former wife of our Client filed an administrative lawsuit against the bailiff, demanding to recognize his inaction illegal and recover losses in the amount of 180 million rubles. The Plaintiff claimed that the Principal sold his share in the authorized capital of the…

January 22 Main results of the day

Another victory in the construction contract! Today, we have achieved success in the court of appeal, leaving unchanged the decision of the court of first instance to invalidate the unilateral refusal of the Moscow Region city administration from the municipal contract. The administration’s unilateral rejection of the contract was based on the contractor’s fault, which…

We love to stay on trend, so we are happy to prepare a separate post summing up the results of 2024, which turned out to be rich in important events.

Our team took part in 2,246 court sessions, where, as a result, we were able to defend the interests of our Clients and achieve a fair decision. We have successfully completed 98 major transactions, which allowed our Clients to achieve their goals and strengthen their positions in the market. Thanks to our work, we managed…

December 24 Main results of the day

Absolute victory in a dispute over payment of insurance compensation in record time! The Client concluded an insurance contract with the insurance company for all construction risks and was building a school. During the construction, an insured event occurred — the wall of the building collapsed, but the insurance company refused to recognize this as…

December 16 Main results of the day

Almost a 180° turn! Rashid Gitinov, Head of the practice of dispute resolution with government agencies at the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” is always ready to defend the interests of clients in disputes against state-owned companies or government agencies. But today Rashid Gitinov acted as a defender of the rights and interests of a…

For the first time in the ten-year history of the De Jure Cup, the winner of the Russian Billiards tournament was an international participant – a lawyer from the Republic of Belarus

A real triumph of friendly relations between Russia and Belarus was marked by the confident and beautiful play of lawyer Andrey Nikolaev from Minsk, who took part in the “Free Pyramid” tournament among active lawyers for the first time. But the anniversary “De Jure” Cup – 2024 will be remembered not only for this victory.…

December 5 Main results of the day

A Complete victory in the Arbitration Court of the Volgograd Region! As part of the bankruptcy case, the court resolved the disagreements of a creditor affiliated with the debtor and approved the initial sale price of the property in the version required by the Bureau’s Principal. The initial price of the debtor’s property is set…

November 21 Main results of the day

After 3 years of consideration in the courts, a complete victory on the 2nd round of the case! In 2021, the Principal contacted us. At that time, a decision had already been made against her to foreclose on 1/2 of her only home to pay off the debts of her ex-husband, who had passed away…

November 19 Main results of the day

The Moscow Arbitration Court rejected a Russian company’s claim against the Principal of the Bureau of Lawyers “De Jure” for the recovery of a penalty for late delivery of goods, damages and legal costs totaling 32 million rubles. The Principal is an importer of production equipment and, within the framework of the contract concluded with…