The Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal accepted the waiver of the claim filed by the procedural opponents of MCBA “Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” and terminated the proceedings in the case. Within the framework of this case, the Plaintiff filed a claim against the Principal of the Bureau for the recovery of losses in the amount of more than 677 million rubles. The court of the first instance refused to satisfy the claim, having agreed with the Principal’s position on the omission of the limitation period, as well as that the evidence presented by the Plaintiff was inadmissible and irrelevant to the case. In turn, the rejection of the claim is obviously due to the persuasiveness of the Bureau’s arguments set out in the response to the appeal, and the opponents’ understanding of the of the inevitability of the loss of this case. The interests of the Principal were represented by Nikita Filippov, Head of MCBA “Bureau of Lawyers “De jure”.
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