The Moscow Arbitration Court in a preliminary court session involved our Principal as a third party in the consideration of the case for the recovery of debt under a work contract, since he is the former general director of the Plaintiff, who is in bankruptcy. The court proceeded to the consideration of the case on the merits and satisfied the claims for debt collection. The Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” managed to convince the court that the Principal should be involved in the case, as this may affect his rights as a person controlling the debtor in a bankruptcy case. The Bureau also managed, on behalf of the former General Director, to strengthen the Plaintiff’s position on the merits of the dispute, seeking satisfaction of the claims, which would lead to a reduction in the bankruptcy estate and reduce the risk of bringing the Principal to subsidiary liability. The interests of the Principal were represented by Ekaterina Bulygina, senior lawyer of the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure”.
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