Lawyers of the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” won a significant victory in a dispute worth more than 4.5 billion rubles. As part of the bankruptcy case of a debtor – a commercial company, the Moscow Arbitration Court refused to satisfy the bankruptcy creditor’s application to bring our Principal, who is the company’s beneficiary, to subsidiary liability in the amount of more than 4.5 billion rubles. The interests of the Principal in court were represented by Viktor Pokormyak, lawyer of the Bureau of Lawyers “De Jure”, and Aleksandra Reznichenko, attorney’s trainee.
The Moscow Arbitration Court approved the amicable agreement with the participation of the Principal. In the course of the proceedings, the parties, through the mediation of lawyers from the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure”, were able to come to an agreement on a two-fold (from 1.8 million rubles to 900 thousand rubles) reduction in the amount of the Principal’s liability under the supply contract. The interests of the Principal were represented by Yakov Prisyazhnyuk, Head of the Economic Dispute Resolution Practice at the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure”, and Alexander Uchaykin, senior lawyer of the Bureau.