On April 29, there was the conference “PROactive business”, work with counterparties under quarantine: what to do if the Debtor does not want to pay?”, organized by the company “What to do® Consult ”.
Nikita Filippov, Head of MCBA “Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” , made a report that addressed to two groups of businessmen – those who have account receivables and those who want to minimize risks when entering into new transactions. Firstly Filippov offers to start negotiations with the Debtor, and then decide on further actions. If the Debtor refuses to pay, then there is only one way out – go to court. If he agrees to pay, but asks for a deferment, then the lawyer advises to conclude an agreement on the procedure for paying off debt. “It must be indicated in it that the Debtor recognizes the debt in full and establish a new payment schedule. Separately, it is worth resolving the issue of forfeit”, – Filippov recommends.
When entering into new transactions, the expert considers it desirable to include in the contract a condition on consent to the consideration of a judicial dispute in a simplified manner. “This will significantly reduce the time and financial costs of considering a case and obtaining an execution document,” – the lawyer explains.