The Arbitration Court of Moscow refused to satisfy the claim of the Customer under the construction contract for a total amount of 525 million rubles. The claims were motivated by the Contractor’s delay in completing the work. During the judicial dispute, the Contractor, whose interests were defended by MCBA “Bureau of Lawyers “De jure”, was able to prove the groundlessness of the stated claims due to the immateriality of his guilt in the delay in execution, as well as the obvious excess of the claimed penalty. As a result, the court recovered only a fine of 1.4 million rubles, refusing the rest of the requirements. The interests of the Client of the Bureau were represented by lawyer Evgeniya Kachanovskaya.
The Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal has changed the earlier decision of the court of first instance and recognized illegal the application of the provisions of Article 333 of the Civil Code in relation to the interests accrued by the Client of the Bureau for the use of the loan. Thus, the claims of the Client were satisfied in full. The Client’s interests of were represented by Yakov Bulut, lawyer of the Bureau.