The Moscow Arbitration Court refused to satisfy applications for the recovery of funds in the amount of more than 137 million rubles from the Principal of MCBA Bureau of Lawyers “De Jure” and the return of non-residential premises with a total area of 420 sq. m. located in Moscow. In the course of consideration of the dispute, the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” managed to convince the court of the factual interest of the Plaintiff in the performance by the Principal of obligations under the contract of sale, under which it is impossible to return the non-residential premises and terminate the said contract. The interests of the Principal were represented by Semyon Garayan, lawyer of the Bureau of Lawyers “De Jure”.
The Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” has won an important victory in the dispute over the rights to the results of intellectual activity. The daughter of a well-known director, having entered into inheritance rights, applied to the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow against the Principal of the Bureau of Advocates “De jure” (legal entity) with a claim for the obligation to provide reports on the use of exclusive rights on the results of intellectual activity and license agreements on granting rights of use of exclusive rights on them. The Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” managed to prove that the director did not conclude license agreements on granting the rights to use exclusive rights on the results of intellectual activity, as the Plaintiff mistakenly believed, but author’s order agreements were concluded, which provided for the complete alienation by the director (Author) of exclusive rights to the Customer under the contract, that is, to the new owner of such exclusive rights. The Defendant, who is the legal successor of the Customer, has become the new copyright holder of exclusive rights and is not obliged to provide reports on the use of exclusive rights on the results of intellectual activity to the director’s daughter. The claim of the director’s heiress is completely denied. Tatyana Bogomolova, lawyer of the Bureau of Lawyers “De Jure” and Nikita Filippov, head of the Bureau of Lawyers “De Jure”, took part in the preparation of the legal position. Nikita Filippov represented the interests of the Defendant in court.