The Arbitration Court of the Ural District upheld the judicial acts of the Arbitration Court of the first and appellate instance, adopted in favor of the subsidiary of the Principal of the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure”. Thus, the courts of three instances agreed with the position presented by the lawyers of the Bureau on the inadmissibility of imposing responsibility on the supplier for the delay in delivery of the goods caused by the fault of the customer, as well as for formally fixed defects of the goods, which in reality were not related to the goods themselves, but with the documentation for it. The chosen tactics and strategy of judicial protection allowed the Principal to avoid unreasonable property sanctions under the supply contract in the amount of more than 442.8 million rubles. The interests of the Principal were represented by Nikita Filippov, Head of the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure”.
The Moscow Arbitration Court satisfied the claims of the Principal of the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” against the unfair counterparty in full. More than 4.7 million rubles of rent arrears were recovered in favor of the Principal. During the trial, the Defendant voiced his position regarding the non-conclusion and non-signing of the lease agreement, as well as unfounded petitions for the demand for documents, information and the interrogation of witnesses were declared. In addition, the Defendant unreasonably dragged out the trial in order to liquidate the organization and evade liability. In connection with the representation by the lawyers of the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” of their justified position, competent alignment of the tactics of conducting the trial, indication of procedural estoppel by the Defendant, as well as the timely and prompt provision of all necessary documents, the arbitration court rejected all the petitions of the opponents, and the claim was satisfied in full. The interests of the Principal were represented by Dan Khorolets, lawyer of the practice of resolving economic disputes of the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure”.