The Moscow City Court granted the complaint of the lawyers of the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” and recovered in favor of the Principal more than 6 million rubles of lost earnings and 3 million rubles of a fine due to temporary disability due to a fall in a perfume store. On the eve of the onset of 2023, the Principal chose gifts for himself and his loved ones in a well-known perfume store. But at some moment, because of the oil spilled on the floor, the Principal slipped, fell and was seriously injured. Due to this injury, the Principal was on sick leave for several months and did not receive wages, and therefore he first applied to the store with a claim for compensation for lost earnings, and then to the court with a similar claim. The district court incorrectly determined the average earnings of the Plaintiff, and also considered that the fine under the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights is not subject to recovery, and therefore made a decision to recover only 2.5 million rubles in favor of the Principal. The Moscow City Court, which heard the position of the Bureau’s lawyers, as well as counter-arguments of the store, the cleaning company and the prosecutor, agreed that the decision of the court of first instance did not fully correspond to the legitimate interests of the Principal, and issued its own judicial act to recover more than 9 million rubles, including both compensation for lost earnings and a fine under the Consumer Protection Law, which fully met our requirements and expectations. The interests of the Principal were represented by Yakov Bulut, lawyer of the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure”.