June 20 Main results of the day

The Moscow City Arbitration Court satisfied the Principal’s application to declare his debtor bankrupt and introduced bankruptcy proceedings against this debtor. This dispute is noteworthy in that a special procedure was applied to the debtor – bankruptcy of an absent debtor (bankruptcy proceedings are introduced, bypassing the supervision procedure). Employees of the Bureau of Lawyers…

June 20 Out of court cases

G.B.Mirzoev, the President of the Guild of Russian Lawyers awarded the diploma of the lawyer of the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” Eduard Korolev for high professionalism, conscientious performance of duties to protect the rights, interests and freedoms of citizens, as well as in connection with the 20th anniversary of the Bureau of Lawyers “De…

June 19 Out of court cases

Sergey Bibikov, Senior Lawyer of the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure”, successfully defended his PhD thesis on “The personal statute of a legal entity and the theory of control in private international law”. By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, he was awarded the degree of Candidate of Legal Sciences and…

June 16 Out of court cases

As part of the third day of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum’23, Nikita Filippov, Head of the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure”, took part in the business program of the Forum on the topic “Social partnerships as a new competitive advantage” as an expert, talking about new approaches to implementing corporate social responsibility. Nikita…

May 16 Out of Court cases

Lawyers of the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” won a dispute over succession in the amount of more than 34 million rubles. Before the Principal of the Bureau, the obligations of the borrower were fulfilled by its mortgagor, after which the latter applied to the bankruptcy case of the borrower with a statement on the…

June 16 Main results of the day

The Ramensky United Military Commissariat of the City of Moscow satisfied the application of the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” and removed the Principal from military registration. In September 2022, the Principal left the Russian Federation for permanent residence in another country, but did not fulfill his duty to independently withdraw from military registration. Lawyers…

June 15 Out of court cases

Nikita Filippov, Head of the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure”, took part in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum and made a presentation at the panel session “Digitalization of the Construction Industry; Economic aspect”. As part of the discussion, Nikita Filippov shared his extensive experience in litigation under construction contracts, and also talked about how…

June 14 Main results of the day

The Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region refused to include in the register of claims of the debtor’s creditors a person who bases his legal claims on an imaginary transaction, as well as a person who missed the limitation period. Employees of the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” managed to prove to the court the…

June 13 Main results of the day

The Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal upheld the decision of the court of first instance to recover an unearned advance payment from the counterparty in favor of the bankrupt person. The Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” represented the interests of a third party in the case, the former general director of the company, but despite…

June 9 Out of court cases

Yesterday, Nikita Filippov, Head of the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure”, took part in the TOP-130 Shopping Center awards ceremony organized by the Union of Shopping Centers and the Arendator Awards. Nikita Filippov presented awards to such grandees among Moscow shopping centers as Metropolis shopping center, Okhotny Ryad, Shchelkovsky, Columbus and Vegas Myakinino. The Bureau…