January 11 Main results of the day

Four million rubles were recovered in favor of the Principal. By the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow District, the judicial acts of lower instances on debt collection from the Principal’s counterparty were left unchanged; the opponent’s complaint was not satisfied. The complexity of this process was in the Defendant’s attempt to re-evaluate…

11 января 2023 года. Главные результаты дня

Четыре миллиона рублей взыскано в пользу Доверителя. Постановлением Арбитражного суда Московского округа судебные акты нижестоящих инстанций о взыскании задолженности с контрагента Доверителя оставлены без изменения, жалоба оппонента – без удовлетворения. Сложность указанного процесса заключалась в попытке ответчика дать повторную оценку имеющимся в материалах дела доказательствам, что противоречит порядку рассмотрения спора в суде кассационной инстанции и…

January 11 Main results of the day

Four million rubles were recovered in favor of the Principal. By the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow District, the judicial acts of lower instances on debt collection from the Principal’s counterparty were left unchanged; the opponent’s complaint was not satisfied. The complexity of this process was in the Defendant’s attempt to re-evaluate…

January 10 Main results of the day

The Principal won the final victory in court disputes and received the right to recover more than 84 million rubles from his counterparty. The Arbitration Court of the Moscow District upheld the judicial acts according to which the debt on payment of the delivered goods and interest for the debtor’s use of a commercial loan…

10 января 2023 года. Главные результаты дня

Доверитель одержал окончательную победу в судебных спорах и получил право взыскать более 84 млн. руб. со своего контрагента. Арбитражный суд Московского округа оставил в силе судебные акты, согласно которым в пользу Доверителя взыскана задолженность по оплате поставленного товара и процентов за пользование должником коммерческим кредитом. Должник, всячески пытался затянуть рассмотрение данного дела, а также ввести…

January 10 Main results of the day

The Principal won the final victory in court disputes and received the right to recover more than 84 million rubles from his counterparty. The Arbitration Court of the Moscow District upheld the judicial acts according to which the debt on payment of the delivered goods and interest for the debtor’s use of a commercial loan…

December 27 Main results of the day

The team of the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” has won a long-awaited victory in the Supreme Court in the case of copyright protection for the song “Zimushka-Zima” against Channel One. The essence of the dispute was that in January 2021, a dance number with the participation of the ensemble “Podsolnuhi” to the musical accompaniment…

December 26 Main results of the day

The Arbitration Court of the Volgograd Region, in the framework of the bankruptcy case, satisfied the requirements of the Principal to invalidate the loan agreement concluded between the creditor (lender) and the debtor (borrower), recognized the debtor’s monetary obligations to the creditor as absent and completely refused the creditor to include his claims in the…

December 22 Main results of the day

The Principal has proved his rights to a residential building in the resort area of Adler City, previously owned by his debtor. The Adler District Court of Sochi issued a decision, which denied the debtor satisfaction of the claim for the recognition of illegal decisions of the bailiff issued during the enforcement proceedings on foreclosure…

December 21 Main results of the day

The Principal, in a dispute with the Moscow Government, finally proved the correctness of determining the price of the real estate object being bought from the state body. Within the framework of this dispute, the Arbitration Court of the Moscow District upheld the decisions of the lower courts, which satisfied the Principal’s claims to determine…