August 2 Main results of the day

The Lodeynopolsky City Court of the Leningrad Region satisfied the Principal’s claim for the recovery of funds against a receipt in full. As part of the case, it was possible to prove the validity of not only the period for calculating interest on the loan, but also the interest established by Article 395 of the…

July 13 Main results of the day

The Arbitration Court of the City of Moscow satisfied the claim of the Principal on the obligation to conclude an additional agreement to the contract for the sale of real estate. Earlier, the Moscow Arbitration Court satisfied a claim for an obligation to conclude a contract for the sale of real estate between the parties,…

May 14 Out of Court cases

The Simonovsky District Court of Moscow fully satisfied the requirements of the Principal in the framework of a labor dispute with the employer, declaring illegal the dismissal of an employee for absenteeism and recovering compensation from the employer in the total amount of 880 thousand rubles. The employer has made every effort to conceal the…

May 3 Main results of the day

The Arbitration Court of the Tver Region satisfied the Principal’s claims to recover from the debtor the debt for payment for the goods and the penalty, including the recovery of the penalty for future periods in the total amount of 1.7 million rubles. The peculiarity of the dispute was that primary documents were not drawn…

March 30 Main results of the day

The Arbitration Court of the Moscow District upheld the judicial acts of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region and the Tenth Arbitration Court of Appeal on the refusal to issue a writ of execution to recover more than 64 million rubles from the Principal. Earlier, the Principal’s creditor applied for the issuance of a…

February 6 Main results of the day

Lawyers of the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” won a significant victory in a dispute worth more than 4.5 billion rubles. As part of the bankruptcy case of a debtor – a commercial company, the Moscow Arbitration Court refused to satisfy the bankruptcy creditor’s application to bring our Principal, who is the company’s beneficiary, to…

January 30 Main results of the day

The Presnensky District Court of Moscow fully satisfied the Principal’s claim for invalidation of the tenancy agreement and eviction. The counterclaim of the procedural opponents of the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” to invalidate the contract of sale was refused. Lawyers of the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” managed to convince the court that the…

November 22 Main results of the day

The Moscow Arbitration Court refused to recover from the Principal an excessively high contractual penalty, reducing its amount by 24 times. Despite the arguments of procedural opponents, the court agreed with the position of the Bureau’s lawyers that in the absence of equal negotiating opportunities, the most powerful party under the contract should not use…

November 1 Main results of the day

The Arbitration Court of the Moscow District supported the position of the Principal of the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” on the correctness of the distribution of court costs among all co-plaintiffs in a class action equally, without taking into account the property interest in the outcome of the case of each of them and…

August 3 Main results of the day

The Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal upheld the decision of the court of first instance on the recovery of debt on rental payments in the amount of 700 thousand rubles in favor of the Client, as well as penalties, including for future periods. The Client’s interests were represented by Alexander Uchaykin, senior lawyer of the…