January 16 Main results of the day

The Principal in the case (an individual) was accused under Part 3 of Article 171. 2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, namely, illegal gambling using gaming equipment outside the gambling zone, committed by an organized group, associated with the extraction of income on an especially large scale. The Tverskoy District Court of…

October 24 Main results of the day

As part of a criminal case initiated by the body of inquiry, on the grounds of a crime under Part 5 of Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the Principal of the lawyer of the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” Konstantin Frolov was handed a notification of suspicion of committing a…

September 29 Main results of the day

The Principal held a senior position in the Moscow healthcare system for a long time. Without knowing it, he became a member of a criminal group, the essence of whose activities was to supply goods to Moscow healthcare institutions at inflated prices. As part of the investigation into the activities of the criminal group, the…

September 25 Main results of the day

The Moscow Arbitration Court refused to satisfy the claim against the Principal under the contract, agreeing with the arguments of the lawyers of the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” about the improper performance by the Plaintiff (contractor under the contract) of its obligations both in terms of the scope of work (the work was completed…

May 12 Main results of the day

The Principal was accused of committing a crime under Part 5 of Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, namely, of using a deliberately false diploma of higher education, allowing him to hold the position of Director of the Department of Digitalization and IT Implementation in a large organization. The state prosecutor…

May 5 Main results of the day

The Arbitration Court of the Moscow District left unchanged the judicial acts of the first and appellate instances, which satisfied the application of the Principal of the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” on procedural succession. At the court session, the lawyers of the Bureau managed to convince the court that procedural succession is possible even…