March 12 Main results of the day

The Moscow Arbitration Court satisfied the application of the Principal, who is a collateral creditor in the bankruptcy case, regarding disagreement with the decision of the bankruptcy trustee to impose on him the costs of paying income tax and rent in the amount of more than 70 million rubles when keeping the collateral property for…

April 14 Main results of the day

The Moscow Arbitration Court satisfied the Principal’s application to reverse the enforcement of the 2022 judgment. The reversal of execution of a judgment is applied in cases of annulment of an already executed judgment. This happened in our case as well. As a result of the victory, the Principal returned the funds previously paid to…

March 21 Main results of the day

The Gagarinsky District Court of Moscow satisfied in full the claim filed by the lawyers of the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” and recovered from the unscrupulous borrower in favor of our Principal a loan with interest and a penalty in the amount of more than 58 million rubles, with the continuation of their accrual…