February 5 Main results of the day

Victory in court: Refusal in the lawsuit of 180 million rubles! The former wife of our Client filed an administrative lawsuit against the bailiff, demanding to recognize his inaction illegal and recover losses in the amount of 180 million rubles. The Plaintiff claimed that the Principal sold his share in the authorized capital of the…

December 24 Main results of the day

Absolute victory in a dispute over payment of insurance compensation in record time! The Client concluded an insurance contract with the insurance company for all construction risks and was building a school. During the construction, an insured event occurred — the wall of the building collapsed, but the insurance company refused to recognize this as…

April 10 Main results of the day

By the efforts of the lawyers of the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” it was possible to defend the interests of the Principal; he was brought to subsidiary liability in the amount of more than 3 billion rubles! The Principal’s procedural opponent, using the materials of the criminal case, appealed to the arbitration court with…