April 13 Main results of the day

The Arbitration Court of the Moscow District confirmed the right of our Principal to recover debts in the amount of more than 47 million rubles from the debtor in the framework of the bankruptcy case. The court upheld the decision of the Court of Appeal and refused to satisfy the cassation appeal of the opponents.…

April 6 Main results of the day

The Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region agreed with the arguments of the lawyers of the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” on the expediency of introducing bankruptcy proceedings against the debtor of the Principal and appointing a candidate proposed by the Principal as the bankruptcy trustee, despite the fact that two creditors are appealing against…

February 7 Main results of the day

The Twelfth Arbitration Court of Appeal left unchanged the judicial act of the first instance on the refusal to satisfy the complaint of the representative of the debtor’s participants against the actions of the bankruptcy trustee, as well as to recover losses from him in the bankruptcy procedure initiated by the Principal. Thus, attempts by…

January 23 Main results of the day

The Arbitration Court of the Stavropol Territory, within the framework of the bankruptcy case, satisfied three applications of the Principal for the recovery of court costs from creditors, two of which had previously been denied inclusion of their claims in the register of claims of the debtor’s creditors, and the claims of the third were…

December 26 Main results of the day

The Arbitration Court of the Volgograd Region, in the framework of the bankruptcy case, satisfied the requirements of the Principal to invalidate the loan agreement concluded between the creditor (lender) and the debtor (borrower), recognized the debtor’s monetary obligations to the creditor as absent and completely refused the creditor to include his claims in the…

December 20 Main results of the day

The Arbitration Court of the Kaliningrad Region found justified and included the Principal’s creditor’s claim in the amount of more than 900 million rubles in the register of creditors’ claims of the debtor as secured by a pledge of immovable property. At the same time, our lawyers devalued numerous objections of the temporary manager of…

December 13 Main results of the day

The Arbitration Court of the Volgograd Region refused to satisfy the complaint of the representative of the debtor’s participants against the actions of the bankruptcy trustee, as well as to recover losses from him in the bankruptcy procedure initiated by the Principal. Thus, the debtor’s exertion of pressure on the arbitration manager and his removal…

December 8 Main results of the day

The Arbitration Court of the Stavropol Territory recovered court costs in favor of the Principal incurred in objecting to the unreasonable claims of a creditor affiliated with the debtor. Thus, not only the amount of the Principal’s repayable claims in the bankruptcy procedure has been increased due to the exclusion of a fictitious creditor from…

December 7 Main results of the day

The Arbitration Court of the Tyumen Region has completed the bankruptcy procedure against the Principal, releasing him from unbearable debt obligations in the amount of more than 1 million rubles. For the first time in the last four years, the Principal has been able to use his bank card for ordinary payments and openly participate…

November 21 Main results of the day

The Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal upheld the decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court to bring five persons controlling the debtor to subsidiary liability for the latter’s debts. Thus, the probability of paying off the claims of our Principal is significantly increased. The interests of the Principal were represented by Roman Volkomorov, lawyer of the…