August 28 Main results of the day

The courts of the first and appellate instances in the bankruptcy case of an individual came to the conclusion that an apartment in Moscow acquired during the marriage by one of the spouses, which was used by family members, is not jointly acquired property and is not subject to sale in the bankruptcy procedure of…

July 11 Main results of the day

Previously, the Moscow Arbitration Court in a bankruptcy case invalidated payments of a construction company and applied the consequences of invalidity of the transaction in the form of collection of funds in the amount of more than 5 million rubles into the bankruptcy estate of the bankrupt company. When considering the case, the court did…

May 30 Main results of the day

In the appellate instance, Sergey Egorov, lawyer of the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure”, managed to cancel the judicial act of the Moscow Arbitration Court and bring the participant of the bankrupt debtor to subsidiary liability in the amount of 35 million rubles for the obligations of the bankrupt debtor, despite the fact that the…