Main results of the day. Today is 23 million.

360 thousand rubles were recovered from the Debtor in favor of the client bank the Cheryomushkinsky District Court of Moscow. The Arbitration Court of the Tyumen Region accepted and took into account the Bank’s objections to the exclusion of its claims from the register, which allowed the Bank to retain claims against the Debtor in…

Lawyers of MCBA “Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” made the Bank return all the money stolen from the Depositor by an Attacker

On February 22, 2019, someone came to the Bank’s branch and, having allegedly presented a passport in the name of N., asked to withdraw 100 000 euros and 2 900 000 rubles from two accounts. The Bank, without properly checking the authenticity of the documents, gave all the money. A few weeks later the Depositor accidentally…

Lawyers of MCBA “Bureau of Lawyers “De Jure” during one court session recovered more than 1.4 billion rubles in favor of the client.

A Russian company (Client of “De Jure”), under a cession agreement with a foreign company, acquired the rights of claim under a loan agreement concluded between a foreign company and another Russian company (the Borrower). However, the funds under the loan agreement were not returned by the Borrower. Also, the Borrower did not pay interest…