December 2 Main results of the day

The Odintsovo City Court of the Moscow Region granted the claim of our Principal to correct a registry error in the information of the Unified State Register of Real Estate. Rosreestr in the Moscow Region, when entering information about the zones of minimum allowable distances to the objects of the main gas pipeline, doubled the…

November 30 Main results of the day

The Arbitration Court of the Moscow region satisfied the claims of our Principal to include in the register of creditors’ claims the debtor-bankrupt claims under two surety agreements in the amount of 430 million rubles. For more than 5 years, the main borrower could not repay its loan obligations to the Principal, which served as…

November 29 Main results of the day

The First Court of Appeal of General Jurisdiction dismissed the complaint of the Government of the Moscow City and the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the Moscow City, and the earlier decision to satisfy the requirements of the Principal remained unchanged. Within the framework of this dispute, lawyers of the Bureau of Lawyers…

Yakov Bulut, lawyer of the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure”, spoke on the air of the “Segodnya” TV program (NTV) about the legal consequences of including the Meta Corporation in the register of extremist organizations.

In particular, Yakov Bulut noted that before there were cases when prosecutors issued warnings for violating the law to bloggers who advertised on Meta social networks (Instagram and Facebook). Now the risks of prosecution for participation in the activities of an organization recognized as an extremist are seriously increased when providing paid services through advertising…

November 23 Main results of the day

The Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region refused to issue a writ of execution to recover more than 64 million rubles from our Principal. Earlier in the dispute between the parties, an amicable agreement was reached, the terms of which were subsequently violated. The creditor applied for the issuance of a writ of execution for…

November 22 Main results of the day

The Moscow Arbitration Court refused to recover from the Principal an excessively high contractual penalty, reducing its amount by 24 times. Despite the arguments of procedural opponents, the court agreed with the position of the Bureau’s lawyers that in the absence of equal negotiating opportunities, the most powerful party under the contract should not use…

Novembwe 15 Main results of the day

The Arbitration Court of the Moscow District agreed with the legal position of the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” and left the decision of the court of appeal unchanged. Earlier, within the framework of this dispute, the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” managed to cancel the negative decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court and, already…

November 21 Main results of the day

The Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal upheld the decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court to bring five persons controlling the debtor to subsidiary liability for the latter’s debts. Thus, the probability of paying off the claims of our Principal is significantly increased. The interests of the Principal were represented by Roman Volkomorov, lawyer of the…

November 17 Main results of the day

The Moscow City Arbitration Court, within the framework of a corporate dispute, satisfied the requirements of our Principal, obliged the Defendant to submit all the requested documents, and also collected a court penalty in the amount of 7 thousand rubles for each day of delay in the execution of the court decision and court costs.…

November 16 Main results of the day

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation confirmed the validity of the legal position of the lawyers of the Bureau of Lawyers “De jure” and refused the procedural opponents of the Bureau to consider their complaint in the court session of the Supreme Court. Within the framework of this dispute, the Defendant, whose interests were…