The Principal appealed to a lawyer to establish the fact of acceptance of the inheritance under court order.

On May 15, 2018, Savelovsky District Court of Moscow denied the Principal’s claim with reference to the unproven fact of accepting the inheritance, failure to provide evidence of missing a deadline for applying for a notary with an application for acceptance of the inheritance for valid reasons, despite of the large number of evidence in…

Retro stuff photoshoot

Suspendisse vulputate tristique urna, nec feugiat leo. Sed volutpat tellus interdum pulvinar. Morbi viverra, mi non placerat tincidunt, lectus neque bibendum turpis, at venenatis justo lorem ipsum dolor sit glavrida massa a justo dolor venenatis. Quisque at dictum metus. Phasellus non adipiscing odio. Nullam pulvinar sapien id libero facilisis bibendum. Etiam id elit, vel tincidunt nulla.…